Welcome to the home page of
the Delaware Council Of The Blind And Visually Impaired,
an affiliate of
the American Council Of The Blind.
Thank you for visiting the web site of the Delaware Council Of The Blind
And Visually Impaired (DCBVI), Delaware's one-stop source for blindness and
visual impairment resources. Please feel free to stop back often as things take shape in the weeks to come. Our goal is to provide information of interest to blind
and visually impaired persons, their friends, families and employers. This site was developed
and maintained by our blind and visually impaired members.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this site or The Delaware
Council Of The Blind And Visually Impaired, or would like information on how to become a member of DCBVI, please feel free to call us at 286-7276 (outside of New Castle County, dial
1-302-286-7276) or drop
us a note.