Applied Economics and Statistics is concerned with agribusiness management, food marketing, the economics of environmental and resource management, and statistics.

Applied Economics courses are designed to provide a thorough background in the principles of organization and management of agribusiness firms, and includes study of financing agricultural business firms, marketing and international trade of agricultural products, price analysis, environmental economics, economics of land use, and agricultural and environmental policies.

Our mission is to cultivate learning and develop and share knowledge that benefits society. Our focus is to advance economics and statistics methods and theories, and apply them to various subjects, such as health, agriculture, natural resources, the environment, and data science.

Our undergraduate programs

Applied Economics and Statistics | College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

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Join the University of Delaware National Agri-Marketing Association: youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=com.synechron.udel.models.functions.SubstrAfter

Faculty Spotlight

Kelly Davidson
Assistant Professor of Applied Economics

Dr. Davidson uses behavioral and experimental economics to evaluate food and agricultural policy.

Latest news

  • Hannah Kirby presents her project dubbed

    Food and agribusiness explorer

    May 22, 2024 | Written by Nya Wynn
    In her senior year, undergraduate student Hannah Kirby took a bold leap by switching to food and agribusiness marketing and management (FABM). Her decision was influenced by immersive experiences in two Cooperative Extension programs, where she realized her true passion lay in the broader field of food and agriculture. Kirby’s switch exposed her to interactive classes that blend traditional business and marketing skills with a specialized focus on the food and agriculture industry. With high demand for graduates in the food and agriculture sector, Kirby will soon apply her marketing and nutrition skills to a career in food and agribusiness marketing.
  • AGcelerate Enrichment Program hosts etiquette dinner at Vita Nova

    May 22, 2024 | Written by Nya Wynn
    AGcelerate, a UD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) student enrichment program, hosted an annual etiquette dinner for students in the college at UD’s prestigious restaurant, Vita Nova. The event, hosted by faculty member Vincenzo Ellis, and Lauren O’Brien, acting senior assistant dean and academic program manager, helps students gain etiquette skills to prepare them to enter the professional world as well as help students network with other students and faculty members in the college.
  • Celebrating excellence in agriculture and natural resources

    May 16, 2024 | Written by Dante LaPenta
    As the spring semester headed into its final stretch run, the University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources gathered together to honor a few deserving faculty and staff. At the college’s Celebrating Excellence event, the 2024 stars of the show were Sue Barton, Larry Armstrong, and Kent Messer.
  • Get ready for Ag Day

    April 18, 2024 | Written by Katie Peikes | Photos by Katie Young and Monica Moriak
    UD’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources gears up for annual showcase for the community.

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